Wow it has been awhile hasn’t it. Well I have just joined the gym in London and I’m so excited. I am going to start Sue’s program from scratch again and looking forward to the results. I am just about to go the gym after here and then go shopping to stock up.
I have had a tough few weeks. I was really down and quite depressed about a lot of things in my life. I know you must be thinking it should be the best time in my life as I am travelling the world. That side of things were fabulous. Work was getting me down. When I first called up enquiring what I needed to start work as a pod over here they said I had all the forms necessary. It was a different story when I got here. They said I had to fill out a criminal records form for the uk even though I have one from oz. I also have to have a blood test to prove I have had all my immunizations. So this process is still happening. I need all of this to work in hospitals. However since all this I have been working in private practice which has been ok. It is money none the less. This too was stressing me out. The Australian dollar does not get very far in London!! This lead to the drama of renting. I couldn’t rent a house if my reference for work did not come through. And because at this stage I had not worked they couldn’t say I was employed. The dramas!! I was so stressed. It has all worked out now though. I also got really down about how I looked and I just felt yuck. I have also been thinking about my career. I don’t think podiatry is what I really want to do. Since I am not close to home it is so hard to talk to mum and my two best friends. My OH has been fabulous. I know he has been really worried about me as he has been there in the tough times before when I get really down. He is fabulous. I love him to bits. Anyways, I am feeling more myself now and I will look in to my new career path soon.
Back to my health kick. I plan to look fabulous in 12 weeks time. I really want to go back to Australia in March and have people go wow! I am looking forward to it. I am planning to blog every few days so I can keep on track. Today at the gym I plan to do back, shoulders and abs and interval training for cardio. Well I better be off.
Take care,
Hey Amy, hope you're feeling better now :) It can be hard when you're so far from home and nothing seems to go in your favour. And yea the Aussie dollar is a bit tough to live on over there!! Could you just do some temping office work instead of pod if you're not sure if that's what you want. Will give you a good chance to have a break from it if you are feeling that way. Temp works pays quite well!?!?
Good luck getting back into your program :)
Hows things been babe?!
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