Monday, June 16, 2008

Day 14

And going fairly strong. The first week of a challenge you are always raring to go, second week not so much. Read lots of inspirational stuff last night and very focused again!

So the past week has been fairly good. I had a few minor slip-ups but nothing serious. I still had a loss of 0.5kg this week and lost cms so happy. I just must get my mojo from week 1 again and all will be good. I love doing my cardio outdoors (I can't stand to run on a treadmill!) and the weather has been really crappy here in Perth. I just read Shar's blog about running in the rain. You very rarely have huge down pours like the weekend and I too got wet!! I have been doing more rpm classes for some of my cardio instead. I have been working really hard in my weight sessions and have been pulling up sore the next day.

I really hope my computer is all sorted again. My posts were not coming up and none of the other blogs I read were getting updated too. I think I have it fixed so I don't post a thousand times of the same one and get totally frustrated!

Other good news last week- I got accepted into uni for postgrad HR. I start on the 28th July. Very happy and excited. I also got contract work with the mining company that I have been doing work experience for. Very happy!!

have a great week and thanks for all your messages.



Shar said...

Hey Amy
Great news about Uni and your mining job!!
Keep on pushing on , before you know it it wont be week 2 and you'll be 4 weeks in with amazing changes.
Shar x

Zanna said...

Brilliant news abot the postgrad course - congratulations. Is the mining company by any chance Rio? If so we're on the same global address list! Take care Z xx