Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Day 2 of 12 week challenge

All is well here. It is my second day of my 12 week challenge and I am feeling very positive. I have been super organised and organised all my meals and my training times for the week. I have written my goals up and have also made an inspiration book, so I feel very well prepared for this coming 12 weeks. I also got all my old noted out from Sue for some extra inspiration.

So far I have followed the plan down to a 'T'. I did cardio at lunch time today for 45 minutes and my boyf is going to train me tonight for weights. He always seems to push me that bit further. He has promised me he will train with me for the next 12 weeks too. He is really so supportive and am lucky to be with someone who is so fit and healthy.

Already I feel lighter (even the scale says so in one day- I know its just fluid though!) and just feel good. I was a bit peckish last night when I got home from work but I just changed straight into my gym clothes and went and then after dinner I distracted myself by reading a book in bed so I was not near the kitchen.

I will be trying to blog every few days to keep myself focused and on track. So till then....



Shar said...

Glad you have gotten through tthe first 2 days, alwys the hardest.
Good luck with the next 12 weeks.
Shar x

SeLiNa said...

Hey Aims!
Good on you for going back to Sue's plan, you know it worked before, it always will ;P
Keep blogging to keep yourself accountable (don't I need to take a leaf out of my own book!!!)

Shar said...

How you going Amy!!??
Keep bogging as much as poss I think it helps us stay on track?
Shar x